[Wikimediaindia-l] Quantity Vs Quality: Hindi Wikipedia story

mayur mayurdce at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 15:04:29 UTC 2011

This is the link for article created in last one month -

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:33 PM, mayur <mayurdce at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here are the list of articles being created in last one month, you can
> yourself check the quality of articles being created in hindi wiki.Due to
> our tough scrutiny of abuse filters it become very difficult to created
> vandalized articles in hindi wiipedia.If anybody really want to measure
> quality v/s Quantity you can check no of articles created for last one month
> or 2 months and also check their quality, you can easily observe that hindi
> wiki is at very safe stage.Creating stub articles was a old tradition in
> many wiki, Hindi wiki also adopted this at a very intial stage but as many
> articles were useless and having wrong information thats why We decided to
> delete them 3 month ago and also banned creation of very short vandalized
> article.About 20000 articles has been deleted so far in last 3 months. Now
> Quality of hindi wiki is improving very fast.We also hope some more good and
> experienced users from other wiki communities  to join our community so as
> to improve our project in more dimensions.
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:09 PM, mayur <mayurdce at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think that were stub articles, there is nothng wrong in creating stub
>> articles by bot.As per Jimmy wales "*There’s nothing wrong with the idea
>> of generating articles on populated places using bots. During one of his
>> recent visits to India, Jimmy Wales mentioned how stub articles on the
>> populated places in United States drove the growth of English Wikipedia.
>> People hailing from these places would google their hometowns and arrive at
>> Wikipedia. They would then start adding the missing details to these
>> articles, becoming active contributors in the process."
>> That why hindi wiki had such kind of stub articles, These article were
>> generated just before utkarsh's analysis.Unfortunately they got some error
>> due to some bot script error. We were already aware of that.Due to some
>> factual errors these articles were deleted instantaneously. In last 4 month
>> hindi wiki has deleted about 20,000 such kind of stub articles per our
>> community discussion.We have also banned creation of very short article
>> through a abuse filter which has not allowed about 2000 article creation for
>> last 3 months.Giving a little information about any article is not bad as it
>> contain information but as these recently  created **Village **article
>> got some errors due to error in bot script and incorrect information that's
>> why we deleted such type of articles immediately.Such kind of articles are
>> present in many big wikis.I am happy after deleting 20,000 such kind of
>> article hindi wiki still have 80,000 articles.We want our wiki growth in all
>> dimensions not only in no of articles.
>> Thank you and Regards
>> Mayur
>> Hindi Wikipedian
>> *
>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Ravishankar <ravidreams at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> http://ut7.in/2011/03/quantity-over-quality-the-sad-story-of-hindi-wikipedia/
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