[Wikimedia-l] About the concentration of resources in SF (it was: "Communication plans for community engagement"

Mathieu Stumpf psychoslave at culture-libre.org
Fri Jul 26 08:44:06 UTC 2013

Le 2013-07-26 04:23, Everton Zanella Alvarenga a écrit :
> Wikimedia Foundation planned a few years ago to open an office in
> Brazil, one India and one in the Middle East, but it has given up of
> this trial for several reasons.
> I think before thinking about the idea of this thread, these cases
> should be seriously studied, inclusing some possible problems and
> challenges that can raise when you have far workers from different
> culture doing a work led by an Americo-centric organization (that 
> was,
> at least, one thing pointed out by some consultants during the last
> all staff meeting, if I undersstood well).

Can you provide some relevant links on this subject, please?

> And I think there is a good point about WMF office being in SF for a
> global organization. Its timezone is one example.

Could you be more explicit, please?

> What about the price
> of the city?

What do you mean?

Association Culture-Libre

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