[Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Foundation and Saudi Telecom (STC) partner to provide access to Wikipedia free of mobile data charges in the Middle East

Yann Forget yannfo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 05:10:59 UTC 2012

2012/10/16 Ciphers Wikip <cipherswiki at gmail.com>:
>>Well, this telecom company is the arm of the government to impose
>> censorship in KSA.
>> This is a poor excuse. In creating such a partnership, WMF is
>> implicitely supporting the censorship by providing a moral caution,
>> even if it is not directly involved in censorship.
> I guess I can see your point there, Yan.
> But please let me ask you this question :
> What do you think is the best way to teach people what the word "freedom"
> means?

That's a difficult question, and a worthwhile debate.
I would first ask people of South Arabia fighting against censorship
what would help them most. That may provide a clue in which direction
we should work.

> -- Ciphers
> Note : I have been following this list for a while, but this is the first
> time I feel like posting something here. Apologize in advance if  my
> comments are not in the scope of this list, and I wish posting using my wiki
> username won`t bother anyone.

Your message is fine, and well within the scope of this list.



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