[Foundation-l] A discussion list for Wikimedia (not "Foundation") matters

J Alexandr Ledbury-Romanov alexandrdmitriromanov at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 15:51:29 UTC 2012

Just because the list moderators don't publicly come down like a ton of
bricks on every conversation that gets lively does not mean that we are
absentee. Speaking for myself only, I'll conceed that I have intervened
little in recent times, but that has because I have felt little need to do
so. In general, I suspect that the level of moderation on this list is too
hands-off for some, about right for others, and draconian for a few.


2012/3/5 Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com>

> I think wikimedia-l would work fine and make sense. We probably don't need
> an additional list, a lot of the lists we have now are lightly used.
> I appreciate that Erik unsubscribed from internal-l. I think more people
> should do the same thing, on the principle that discussions about the
> Wikimedia Foundation and projects should occur in public. Herding debate
> into an exclusive clique is antithetical to the ethic of the Wikimedia
> movement.
> If the lists have a different tenor such that some people prefer internal-l
> over foundation-l, then the solution is more active moderation of this
> list. Foundation-l moderation has been absentee for sometime - I don't even
> recall the last time a list moderator participated in a discussion, let
> alone took a moderator action.
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