[Foundation-l] A discussion list for Wikimedia (not "Foundation") matters

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 15:29:12 UTC 2012

I think wikimedia-l would work fine and make sense. We probably don't need
an additional list, a lot of the lists we have now are lightly used.

I appreciate that Erik unsubscribed from internal-l. I think more people
should do the same thing, on the principle that discussions about the
Wikimedia Foundation and projects should occur in public. Herding debate
into an exclusive clique is antithetical to the ethic of the Wikimedia

If the lists have a different tenor such that some people prefer internal-l
over foundation-l, then the solution is more active moderation of this
list. Foundation-l moderation has been absentee for sometime - I don't even
recall the last time a list moderator participated in a discussion, let
alone took a moderator action.

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