[Foundation-l] Frustration with WMF = WP

me at marcusbuck.org me at marcusbuck.org
Wed Nov 2 10:36:37 UTC 2011

Wait am moment... Wikipedia Zero is an extension to Wikipedia that  
filters out images? And not even some of them on a totally voluntary  
base but all of them for everybody? I guess I better shut down my  
e-mail account to prevent the flood of angry mailing list posts from  
the censorship theoreticists...

Marcus Buck

(To make a contribution to the issue Billinghurst raised: As I  
understand it, Wikipedia Zero is a offer to mobile providers who  
restrict web access to a select few websites to limit traffic. They  
only allow access to a limited set of "most popular" websites with low  
bandwidth requirements. The providers probably are just interested in  
Wikipedia and not in its less popular sister projects... It's a  
transitional solution anyways. In a few years even the Global South  
will have sweet mobile internet connectivity and everybody can enjoy  
Wikisource and Wikiversity on mobile with images!)

Zitat von Billinghurst <billinghurst at gmail.com>:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/2011-10-31/Technology_report
> Wikimedia proposes Wikipedia Zero
> Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I know that it is the flagship,  
> however, it becomes a
> self-fulfilling philosophy that nothing else exists at WMF when  
> _WMF_ cannot even seem to
> present the whole package.
> Think if we expanded our visions and our message
> * Quick and easy dictionary (wiktionary)
> * Read a classic, a history, from science geniuses (Wikisource),
> ** or even download the work! Well only if there were resources  
> provided so we could
> explore the Epub extension
> * grab a free lecture (wikiversity)
> Different sites, different scopes, different experiences ...  
> synergism of knowledge.
> Regards, Andrew <- crawling back into his hole, and pulling the rock  
> back over the top
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