[Foundation-l] Frustration with WMF = WP

Billinghurst billinghurst at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 09:19:02 UTC 2011

Wikimedia proposes Wikipedia Zero

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I know that it is the flagship, however, it becomes a 
self-fulfilling philosophy that nothing else exists at WMF when _WMF_ cannot even seem to 
present the whole package.

Think if we expanded our visions and our message
* Quick and easy dictionary (wiktionary)
* Read a classic, a history, from science geniuses (Wikisource), 
** or even download the work! Well only if there were resources provided so we could 
explore the Epub extension
* grab a free lecture (wikiversity)

Different sites, different scopes, different experiences ... synergism of knowledge.

Regards, Andrew <- crawling back into his hole, and pulling the rock back over the top

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