[Foundation-l] Frustration with WMF = WP

Marc A. Pelletier marc at uberbox.org
Wed Nov 2 12:11:51 UTC 2011

On 02/11/2011 6:36 AM, me at marcusbuck.org wrote:
> Wait am moment... Wikipedia Zero is an extension to Wikipedia that
> filters out images? And not even some of them on a totally voluntary
> base but all of them for everybody? I guess I better shut down my
> e-mail account to prevent the flood of angry mailing list posts from
> the censorship theoreticists...

Well, you'll hear no such thing from me (and I'm arguably one of the 
more verbal opponents of the image filter as originally proposed).  This 
neatly sidestep all of the fatal flaws with filters where moral 
judgments are imposed, or our well-intended technology is misused to 
readers' detriment.

-- Coren / Marc

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