[Foundation-l] Wikiversity

Jeff V. Merkey jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com
Tue Aug 15 17:36:56 UTC 2006

Cormac Lawler wrote:

>So, my parting thought is: What is that concept? What is Wikiversity's NPOV?

University == accepted standards of "Academic Freedom". (not MeatBall Wiki)

Wikiversity == accepted standards of "Academic Freedom" (not MeatBall Wiki)

NPOV = No such thing in an environment of "Academic Freedom", it's 
called "accepted standards of Academic Freedom".

If it's a university of content it needs to adhere to these standards -- 
they've been around for a couple of thousand years and seem
to work governing institutions of higher learning. Should be no 
different if what you are creating is an open environment -- Free speech
and all. The one exception to the Wiki MeatBall rules would be this 
project -- within the framework of established foundation policies of
fair treatment and code of conduct.


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