[Foundation-l] Wikiversity

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 15 17:36:36 UTC 2006

--- "Jeff V. Merkey" <jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com>

> Cormac Lawler wrote:
> >So, my parting thought is: What is that concept?
> What is Wikiversity's NPOV?
> >  
> >
> University == accepted standards of "Academic
> Freedom". (not MeatBall Wiki)
> Wikiversity == accepted standards of "Academic
> Freedom" (not MeatBall Wiki)
> NPOV = No such thing in an environment of "Academic
> Freedom", it's 
> called "accepted standards of Academic Freedom".
> If it's a university of content it needs to adhere
> to these standards -- 
> they've been around for a couple of thousand years
> and seem
> to work governing institutions of higher learning.
> Should be no 
> different if what you are creating is an open
> environment -- Free speech
> and all. The one exception to the Wiki MeatBall
> rules would be this 
> project -- within the framework of established
> foundation policies of
> fair treatment and code of conduct.
> Jeff

The problem with "Acedemic Freedom" is it essentionaly
means "Freedom for the Academics".  It basically says
"you have passed the bar for entry into acedemia you
may now do pretty much as you like".  Wikiversity does
not have a bar for entry so it will need more
restrictive policies than general academia.

Birgitte SB

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