[Foundation-l] Single login - decision 2004

Angela beesley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 08:54:28 UTC 2004

> The question for the Board is: Given that we have at least two, and
> possibly three, implementations where there are volunteers, which one
> should we choose? To me, this seems to be a matter that could be decided
> by the Board; others have said that a poll will be necessary first. Either
> way is fine with me - what does the Board say?

I don't feel this ought to be a board decision at the moment. I
suggest a non-binding poll of the community take place first. This can
be used to inform the developers and also to help to adjust the
current proposals for single-login. I'd rather the developer committee
came to a consensus about this issue, based on the results of the
poll, since it is them who have to create the single login feature.
There is little point in the board saying make it all magically work
for an option that is disliked by the community or not likely to be


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