[Foundation-l] New mailing list for Wikimedia Commons

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Thu Nov 11 03:29:00 UTC 2004

I've created a list for the Wikimedia Commons project:


There are already 1.5 gigabytes of media in the archive after just two  
months in existence. It is quite clear that this thing will become huge,  
if we let it, and the task to organize this growing heap of media is  
massive. I also think that the Commons could become a focal point of  
creative activity by photographers, artists and other creators, but this  
will require some rethinking to make it as easy as possible to participate  
for people with no wiki foreknowledge. That's why I foresee the need for a  
discussion list alongside the wiki as we have it with other projects.

The mailing list is multilingual. We'll try to use markers like [en] and  
[de] in the subject lines and encourage people to translate messages into  
other languages.



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