[Foundation-l] Re: New mailing list for Wikimedia Commons

Walter Vermeir walter at wikipedia.be
Thu Nov 11 09:43:34 UTC 2004

Erik Moeller wrote:
> I've created a list for the Wikimedia Commons project:
> http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/commons-l
> There are already 1.5 gigabytes of media in the archive after just two  
> months in existence. It is quite clear that this thing will become huge,  
> if we let it, and the task to organize this growing heap of media is  
> massive. I also think that the Commons could become a focal point of  
> creative activity by photographers, artists and other creators, but this  
> will require some rethinking to make it as easy as possible to participate  
> for people with no wiki foreknowledge. That's why I foresee the need for a  
> discussion list alongside the wiki as we have it with other projects.
> The mailing list is multilingual. We'll try to use markers like [en] and  
> [de] in the subject lines and encourage people to translate messages into  
> other languages.
> Regards,
> Erik

Can you send the request to add it to gmane?

The logical newsgroup name is;


Done not to forget to pick "Encrypt addresses"


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