[Foundation-l] Wikivacations

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 10 18:26:28 UTC 2004

--- Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>  ...
> Immediate consequence : I will be on forced wikivacations (which is a very
> good idea actually) from today or tomorrow till possibly the 20th. I will be
> able to check my personal email as soon as the 16th when back to work, but
> since I limit myself to email activity from my work place, I won't check
> wiki, nor mailing lists (I do not receive mails from mailing lists except for
> wikimediafr-l), nor blogs, and I won't be on irc. If you need to join me,
> please do so at my personal email adress.

Have a nice Wikivacation Ant! I hope moving isn't too stressful for you (it
always is for me). 

-- mva

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