[Foundation-l] A Challenge: Sending Angela to gay Paree!

Luc Van Oostenryck luc.vanoostenryck at easynet.be
Tue Jun 22 17:44:09 UTC 2004

jheiskan at welho.com wrote:
> I think the ultimate decision whether Angela goes to Paris or not, should be
> left up to her. Things might be different if the meeting were non-voluntary.
> However; to help her make up her mind, I hereby pledge to send an International
> Money-Order to the Foundation in the sum of the prize of two six-packs. (which
> In my local store totals up to 13.80 Euros) I will ONLY send this if she attends
> the Paris meet, and pledges to physically hug me, if and when we ever meet in
> person.
> Is there any other person to step up to the plate and similarly pledge the prize
> of two local six-packs in this good cause?
> --
> Jussi-Ville Heiskanen (Cimon) 

Excellent idea!

I find all these discussion really ridicoulous and I also think that
it is important that Angela can meet Anthere and Jimbo at Paris.

I offer 50EUR to the fondation to cover her travel if she attend the meet
and without other condition :-)

-- Looxix

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