[Foundation-l] A Challenge: Sending Angela to gay Paree!

jheiskan at welho.com jheiskan at welho.com
Tue Jun 22 05:12:59 UTC 2004

I think the ultimate decision whether Angela goes to Paris or not, should be
left up to her. Things might be different if the meeting were non-voluntary.

However; to help her make up her mind, I hereby pledge to send an International
Money-Order to the Foundation in the sum of the prize of two six-packs. (which
In my local store totals up to 13.80 Euros) I will ONLY send this if she attends
the Paris meet, and pledges to physically hug me, if and when we ever meet in

Is there any other person to step up to the plate and similarly pledge the prize
of two local six-packs in this good cause?

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen (Cimon) 

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