[Foundation-l] A Challenge: Sending Angela to gay Paree!

sannse sannse at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Jun 22 20:46:32 UTC 2004

> Excellent idea!
> I find all these discussion really ridicoulous and I also think that
> it is important that Angela can meet Anthere and Jimbo at Paris.
> I offer 50EUR to the fondation to cover her travel if she attend the meet
> and without other condition :-)
> -- Looxix

I pledge 10GBP to the "get Angela to Paris" fund

(can't afford much at the moment - I'm going on the every little bit

Should I use PayPal now? or does this need to be separate somehow?


Angela - If Cimon tries to collect on that hug - kick 'im in the goolies and
run for it ;-P

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