[Foundation-l] Re: Funding for the newly elected Board Members

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 21 09:42:53 UTC 2004

Brion Vibber <brion at pobox.com> wrote: 
Anthere wrote:
> I think that in the future, we may ask members to indicate if they wish 
> that their money is used for a specific purpose. Till now, the two 
> specific purposes were
> * hardware
> * purchase of a computer for Brion

I'd just like to point out that no Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. funds went 
to the purchase of my PowerBook (which has been a big help in browser 
compatibility testing, and I've fixed a number of icky wiki bugs during 
my commute thanks to having it!)

Rather, I have a separate personal donation page (predating the 
Wikimedia fund drive, I think) through which a number of very kind 
people have kicked in a few bucks now and then, including a generous 
personal donation by Jimbo. (Thanks again to all who helped!) I haven't 
taken any wiki-related money that wasn't sent directly to me by the donor.

-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)


Yup, correct. Sorry, my text was not strictly accurately written. 
Other developers have such links suggesting donations. I think I saw one on Erik user page as well.

Actually, if you go on wikimediafoundation.org donation page, it is mentionned we could pay you part time with the funds Brion, and there is still a link there, suggesting to donate to the Brion Vibber notebook computer fund :-)


We can do such things, like adding on the donation page, a collection of links for various purposes, such as Brion notebook
or we can have it all get in the foundation funds, and use these funds according to the purpose for which they were given. 
Opinions ? Legal issues ?

I do not need funding to go to Paris. I planned to get there anyway, whatever the results of the elections, just to meet with the french speaking people.

I am glad we convinced Jimbo to come and I will be even happier if Angel comes.

This travel will be optimised, as I will meet on saturday the 3rd, some people currently doing a CD Rom on sustainable development. They are willing to give us under gfdl part of their content, but want to meet first to discuss which content will be transfered, and how. Looxix will come to that meeting as well.

Aside from the content consideration, which will be great, I see this as an important move for the french wikipedia, and perhaps a step in a direction which will bring funds when the french association will be created :-)

This content donation was suggested by Bruno Oudet, who I met in Lyon, during a meeting in may. You may find a cv of Bruno Oudet here : http://web.archive.org/web/20030501121123/www-leibniz.imag.fr/SI/index.php?page=cvbo. I believe this person might help us further penetrate the french information network, but this very likely imply "meeting" him again in other circonstances.


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