[Foundation-l] Re: Funding for the newly elected Board Members

Brion Vibber brion at pobox.com
Mon Jun 21 08:57:42 UTC 2004

Anthere wrote:
> I think that in the future, we may ask members to indicate if they wish 
> that their money is used for a specific purpose. Till now, the two 
> specific purposes were
> * hardware
> * purchase of a computer for Brion

I'd just like to point out that no Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. funds went 
to the purchase of my PowerBook (which has been a big help in browser 
compatibility testing, and I've fixed a number of icky wiki bugs during 
my commute thanks to having it!)

Rather, I have a separate personal donation page (predating the 
Wikimedia fund drive, I think) through which a number of very kind 
people have kicked in a few bucks now and then, including a generous 
personal donation by Jimbo. (Thanks again to all who helped!) I haven't 
taken any wiki-related money that wasn't sent directly to me by the donor.

-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
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