[Foundation-l] Funding for the newly elected Board Members

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Mon Jun 21 09:53:04 UTC 2004


Le Monday 21 June 2004 11:42, Anthere a écrit :
> I am glad we convinced Jimbo to come and I will be even happier if Angel
> comes.

I think it's fine if the fundation pays Angela's travel expenses to Paris.

> This travel will be optimised, as I will meet on saturday the 3rd, some
> people currently doing a CD Rom on sustainable development. They are
> willing to give us under gfdl part of their content, but want to meet first
> to discuss which content will be transfered, and how. Looxix will come to
> that meeting as well.
> Aside from the content consideration, which will be great, I see this as an
> important move for the french wikipedia, and perhaps a step in a direction
> which will bring funds when the french association will be created :-)
> This content donation was suggested by Bruno Oudet, who I met in Lyon,
> during a meeting in may. You may find a cv of Bruno Oudet here :
> http://web.archive.org/web/20030501121123/www-leibniz.imag.fr/SI/index.php?
>page=cvbo. I believe this person might help us further penetrate the french
> information network, but this very likely imply "meeting" him again in
> other circonstances.

I have to add that it's Bruno Oudet who invited me to present Wikipedia to a 
meeting on "sharing information on the Internet" last January. He was also 
present during the presentation I made last May in Aix-en-Provence, in south 
of France.

So there is no doubt that his contributions will be helpful to the project.

> ant


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