[Foundation-l] Re: Funding for the newly elected Board Members

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 21 17:17:33 UTC 2004

--- Delirium <delirium at hackish.org> wrote:
> ....
> So if we're going to start spending money on various things, I'd propose 
> the first thing we do with a spare 400 euro is identify four important 
> software changes that need to be made, and put bounties on 100 euro on 
> each of them.

What we really need to do is approach some large money-giving foundations with
a grant proposal so that we could hire a full time server admin and possibly
even a full time software developer. In the meantime we could set-up a separate
Wikimedia developer fund to pay bounties from. But this is not something that I
think should be coming from the general fund. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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