[WikiEN-l] [Foundation-l] Renaming "Flagged Protections"

phoebe ayers phoebe.wiki at gmail.com
Wed May 26 07:12:23 UTC 2010

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Rob Lanphier <robla at robla.net> wrote:
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 12:15 PM, phoebe ayers <phoebe.wiki at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On further thought... what about "Pending edits" ? I do like "pending"
>> as part of the name, especially if this is the name going on the UI
>> for the link/tab/whatever where you would see them. It also seems to
>> me that the name in the UI doesn't have to be quite the same as the
>> name of the feature itself -- here is where you see the pending edits,
>> which are part of the revision review feature, aka
>> special:flaggedrevs. (or something).
> Hi Phoebe,
> We considered going in that direction.  The tough part about it is that the
> name goes against the grain of what we want to use in the UI.
> Take a look at this page:
> http://flaggedrevs.labs.wikimedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Vince_(2005)
> We're planning to change label of the "Pending changes" tab to "Pending
> revision", since what people will see when they visit that tab is the
> pending revision, not the diff against the old version.  The nice thing
> about then naming the feature itself "Pending Revisions" is that it aligns
> with what people will see as the most prominent feature of the UI.
> Rob

Got it. Well, I personally like "pending revisions", as I said (bit
long for a tab label, but oh well). Can it go to the other side of the
history tab though, so it doesn't show up before the edit tab when
reading across? (I'm sure there's an argument to be made both ways,
but I'd expect a new feature to show up as the last tab in standard UI
design).  Where will it go in Vector?


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