[WikiEN-l] The New Look

stevertigo stvrtg at gmail.com
Sat May 15 08:06:08 UTC 2010

Risker <risker.wp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Steve, that's getting closer.  What's missing is texture. The
> original looks like a puzzle, and the alternates don't quite get there yet;
> when you look at a puzzle, you see shadings as you come close to the lines,
> which in a real puzzle are pressed cuts, so there is a more reflective
> (whiter) edge at the bottom and right sides and a more absorbent (darker)
> edge on the top and left sides of each individual piece.  That, to me, is
> what is missing in the "new and improved' versions.
> I really do appreciate all the work that has gone into making all of these
> versions. A lot of improvements have been made in the lettering, the
> placement of letters, the "3-D-ness" of the globe. It's just lost its
> "puzzle-ness" along the way, and I'm sure it can be fine-tuned as time goes
> on.

You're right about the issues with the textures and the "3-D-ness" -
though some may consider a smoother look to be more "2.0."

The issue with the loss of "3-D-ness," as people may have figured out,
is that it's next to impossible to emulate a 3-D rendering with
2-D/vector gradients . SVG/vector formats are made for graphical art,
not realistic looking things, and my sense is that the 3-D globe looks
warped out of shape.


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