[WikiEN-l] Jeff Merkey threatens to sue Wikipedia and Wikipedians

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Wed Oct 22 12:52:47 UTC 2008

It's right here in the BADSITE:


Merkey says he's planning on suing the Wikimedia Foundation, the 
individual members of ArbCom, and possibly other admins or editors.  
He's claiming that he has some kind of agreement (with the 
Foundation? with Jimbo?  it's unclear) that prevents anybody 
connected with Wikipedia from banning him, so that his banning was a 
contractual violation; he also claims that banning him from Wikipedia 
was an act of stalking or harassment.

Is there the slightest bit of truth to his claims of the existence of 
a "settlement agreement" between him and Wikimedia, or is this just 
entirely a pile of manure?

== Dan ==
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