[WikiEN-l] Cade Metz on Mantanmoreland & Short selling

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Thu Oct 2 03:09:18 UTC 2008

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:10 PM, <WJhonson at aol.com> wrote:

> He was decrying naked short selling for quite a while, while WP insiders
> like Mantanmoreland were able to squelch him.  And now he was right, and
>  they
> were wrong, at least per this article.  And it's egg on our face, for
>  treating
> the opposing sides in such a one-sided manner.

[Redacted 1] had the point of view that naked short selling was going to
destroy the earth.  [Redacted 2] had the point of view that it was a
legitimate trading strategy.

The reality was somewhere in between.  But Wikipedia's article, when I
checked it many months ago, basically gave the POV of [Redacted 2].

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