[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia:Fringe noticeboards/Theory

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat Jul 7 04:51:38 UTC 2007

geni wrote:

>On 7/6/07, Charlotte Webb <charlottethewebb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>On 7/6/07, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>These are facts. Presenting them as anything else would be misleading.
>>I'm not talking about facts. I'm talking about unprovable and mutually
>>conflicting theories.
>Speciation is a theory
>"The earth is a reasonably well-approximated oblate spheroid." is a theory.
>The first conflictics with certian versions of creationism. The second
>conflicts with the Aristotelian model.
The oblate spheroid shape of the earth was not likely observable in 
Aristotle's time.  Such a deviation from Aristotle's conclusion that the 
Earth was a sphere is trivial.

>>Nobody's seriously dismissing Einstein as a nutter, but he himself
>>admitted "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a
>>single experiment can prove me wrong."
>>Such is the beauty of theories.
>If you are going to bring up falsificationism you could at least have
>the decency to credit Karl Popper rather than Einstein.
It's prmature to suggest that failing to mention Popper was indecent.


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