[WikiEN-l] Major dysfunction in RfA Culture

Earle Martin wikipedia at downlode.org
Sun Apr 15 15:11:01 UTC 2007

On 15/04/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15/04/07, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Given the number of de-facto inactive admins we already have I don't
> > see much benefit in that approach.
> 1. It would reduce the harmfulness to the community of the present RFA.
> 2. "De-facto inactive admins" do not harm the project.

I have never understood why Geni considers "paper admins" (a phrase he
has used a number of times since I've been reading this list) to be
harmful. Geni, would you care to explain?

Earle Martin

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