[WikiEN-l] Fwd: And over at RFA ...

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 16:46:35 UTC 2007

On 08/04/07, Jeff Raymond <jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com> wrote:

> Fleshlight.


> Israel News Agency.

Office. (Spamming attack troll.)

>His block log.

Including office time?

>  Musa Cooper.  Sean
> Black's RfA.  Essjay's RfB.

Unfamiliar with these. Details please?

>  His use of the rollback function.

Details please?

>  And,
> although it's more than resolved, the Erik Moller situation is a fine
> example of the "shoot first, don't ask questions later" type of actions
> that people have, unfortunately, come to expect from Danny.


>  That's how
> we get bad administrators, we need less of those.

So in summary, you're saying we get bad administrators when the
administrators in question are employed by the Foundation.

That really is drooling idiocy on your part, and I would have expected
better of you.

> Plus, while it isn't administrative, his treatment of Elonka was beyond
> the pale.

I know they don't like each other, but I don't know any other details.

- d.

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