Lars Aronsson wrote:
I have a cronietab job that now gives this error message:
error: commlib error: can't connect to service (Connection refused) Unable to run job: unable to send message to qmaster using port 444 on host "damiana": got send error. Exiting.
Now it has changed to:
error: commlib error: can't connect to service (Connection refused) Unable to run job: unable to send message to qmaster using port 444 on host "turnera-bge0": got send error. Exiting.
Here is a third variant, that I got today:
error: commlib error: can't connect to service (Connection refused) Unable to run job: unable to send message to qmaster using port 444 on host "": got send error. Exiting.
Can someone please explain how I should submit a cron/cronie job?
You shouldn't change anything. There have been some tran- sient errors in connection with the outage (NFS/SGE/LDAP failure), and these are artifacts of those. At the moment, SGE is up and running.