On 26/09/12 12:40, Sumurai8 (DD) wrote:
2012/9/26 Platonides:
On 26/09/12 08:27, Federico Leva (Nemo) wrote:
Yes, I know about MMP. It was introduced much later, after people were already very used to doing things in an individualized manner. From what I'm told MMPs aren't used much.
So you think that even new users (I believe many users arrived after MMP were introduced) are not using MMP due to bad old habits of the other users? I've had a hard time trying to convince some users to use a MMP; I think it's not trivial to understand what models actually work and are liked.
The reason is as simple as being much more easier, run mkdir and start coding vs open a jira request to get a new MMP for a project which may or may not be interesting (heh, most tools were probably born after coding for a couple of hours after having a good idea) and which nobody is wanting to maintain with you, probably.
It is not hard to start coding in your own workspace and move code from your newly created directory to a MMP. A MMP doesn't necessarely have to be maintained by multiple users. While it's convenient having someone in the project that can jump in in case your tool breaks badly and you are not around to fix it, it is not by any means necessary.
Right. I was explaining why there aren't so many MMPs out there.