On 14/09/12 01:42, Dr. Trigon wrote:
What about a tool that gather some statistics from all users cron(ie)tab files and show them on a public (or for logged-in users only) page/place.
The idea is that user can get an clue on what times have high or low job loads.
Something like:
00 - used xx times - xx% of all jobs 01 - used xx times - xx% of all jobs 02 - ... 03
Might also include hours and more info, BUT NO per user data just overall averages and counts.
Greetings DrTrigon
Ideally, you could mark a task as being daily-I-don't-care-when, or perhaps "run each 20-28h", and cron would choose the time that best suited itself, taking all registered jobs into acocunt.