I am a bit confused. I found libtool installed on yarrow and nightshade which are the linux userland servers. I tried to autogen.sh the version of mdbtools from github and it worked until it tried to generate the man pages but this problem could be solved quite quick too. So I have a working copy of mdbtools 0.7 in my home done by autogen.sh. Our debian stable would install:
mdbtools (
Is this version fine too or do you prefer 0.7?
Kind regards Marlen/nosy
On Tue, 13 Nov 2012, Andre Koopal wrote:
I was able to compile mdbtools-0.6pre1 for linux, see the result at /mnt/user-store/mdbtools
I admit that compilation was a bit tricky. When it complains that backend.c:31: error: static declaration of 'mdb_backends' follows non-static declaration, remove the static keyword from that line. yacc and flex are not installed in nightshade, I worked around that by running those of willow. The flex rule expected an output file of .c, so I ran ln -s lex.yy.c .c (otherwise you get an empty lexer.c)
However, the generated binaries didn't output any table for your file.
I then realised that my local mdbtools does work with yout file. Seems that mdbtools-0.7 is in GitHub, but not in SourceForge: https://github.com/brianb/mdbtools
However, in order for just running autoconf.sh, it needs libtool, which is not installed in Linux or Solaris.
Hi Platonides, I indeed have 0.7 as well on my home-server. Will there be any luck getting libtool? Is there perhaps already a mdbtools 0.7 package for debian, that can be installed?