On 11/11/12 17:37, DaB. wrote:
I will switch sql-s1-user to read-only at
tomorrow, Monday after 20:05 UTC
and than dump the user-databases (and import them on thyme). I do not know how long this will take, but I guess the hole European night. When the import is done somewhen on Tuesday I will switch sql-s1-user to thyme and switch it to read/write. Later (or in parallel to the user-database-dumping, not sure yet) Nosy or I will dump commons from rosemary too for a later re-import. When everything is dumped and imported I will re-setup rosemary with the fresh dump too.
Sincerely, DaB.
Remember that there is a trick where you dump the user-databases with the binlog enabled (and noting its position), leaving the database writable. You then transfer and import the dump. Finally you make it readonly, copy the changes from the binlog (which will be much smaller and thus results in a shorter read-only interval) and point the dns to the other server.