Mauro Girotto:
Is possible to have some notifications when a job exceeds the running time set by h_rt?
Yes, by setting s_rt to a lower value. When s_rt is exceeded, the program will receive SIGUSR1, so you can clean up and exit yourself.
$ qsub -l h_rt=1:00:00 -l s_rt=0:55:00 myjob.sh
What is the signal used to terminate the job? SIGTERM or SIGKILL?
I've tried to set h_rt=0:1:0 and the logs (output and error) are empty, although the application has produced some output before the killing.
I tested this and the output did appear in the file when the job was killed. Perhaps the output wasn't flushed? (Remember stdout is usually line-buffered by default, while files are fully buffered.)
- river.