On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 9:45 PM, Mike Dupont jamesmikedupont@googlemail.com wrote:
Well the idea is to create a photo contest, people should submit them, and they will get voted up. People will review them, for license and other issue and import them. The idea would be a facebook app. Or a way to submit a whole album. You can make albums public in fb. There are many technical measure if there is a will there is a way.
Isn't a Facebook pic only available in low resolution?
We need to make sure these people are not confronted by the current uploader form, that will scare everyone away, it needs to be easy. Easy for people who are not native speakers and dont have the best education, people who struggle with using a computer and people who think that mobile phones are high-tech.
The upload form will be replaced this month by a new upload wizard which should be much easier to use. See http://commons.prototype.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:UploadWizard