Nikola Smolenski schrieb:
Дана Wednesday 16 June 2010 12:07:19 Peter Körner написа: Works great! :) Could you add this to the local CSS?
.dataLayersDiv { height: 20em; margin-right: 1em; overflow: scroll; }
because the overlay list is too long and some of the languages are off the screen.
Yes yesterday evening I saw that on my notebook screen, too. I added the snippet but used 30em as height. Is this ok for you?
Not sure whether it is appropriate for this list, but I was thinking on how to properly cascade languages, without coming to a full conclusion.
First, if I am watching Serbian layer, and there is place that doesn't have Serbian name, but does have Croatian name, I would prefer to see Croatian name instead of the "main" name. There probably are more such cases (Nynorsk/Bokmal?). (I see you are not rendering those but I guess you will eventually.)
When a country has two or more used languages, I could think of having a layer that chooses the first available name-tag, but if it's only a personal preference, we need to find another way. This is also true for the next case.
A harder problem is that for some uses, users might legitimately need to display several languages. For example ...
I don't think that this can be done on the server without sth. like a wms service. It's just not possible to list all possible combinations on the server, so they need to be a) rendered on-demand on the server b) rendered on the client
b) is the most interesting one. I talked to a colleague about doing this with an svg overlay but most browsers font capabilities does not come close to what agg does for mapnik, so it will look horrible.
if someone with wms experience wants to play around with a), that could be a real killer service.