at the end of this mail you will find a list of users who have re-confirmed their Toolserver accounts. these accounts will be extended for another 6 months. if your username is on this list, you do not need to do anything.
if your username is *not* on this list, then your account will expire unless you follow the instructions given below.
to renew your account, do the following:
send mail to river@loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk in the subject, you must write "toolserver expiration". in the body, you must write your Toolserver username. that is all.
do not send mail to this mailing list. do not do anything except follow the very clear and specific instructions presented above. if you fail to perform this simple task correctly, you might find yourself ignored, and your account will expire.
if you have already sent mail, yet your name is not on the list below, your mail was probably lost somewhere. in this case *only*, you may send mail to ts-admins [at] toolserver.org instead.
if you think your username is "banaticus", then you are wrong, because there is no such user. the person who wrote this username in their expiration mail should re-send the mail with the correct username.
- river.
80686 aaron adambro aka alai alexz annabel apper avatar aviator aweenieman betacommand bryan byrial cbm cbrown1023 chabacano chm chris componavt conrad cosoletodjevrek dab dapete darkdadaah daxim diegofb dispenser dodek drh08 drtrigon dschwen dungodung dycedarg east718 emijrp erwin85 euro eusebius fale fl gribeco grondin guandalug happy_melon harddisk haza-w helios henna hippietrail holek ikluft incola james jan jude kalan kolossos laaknor lar leafnode legoktm leon lfaraone lifeguard luxo lvova maelgwn magnus martinp23 mashiah mauro742 maximaximax maxsem merphant messedrocker mfarag mfw misza13 mohamed multichill mzmcbride nicdumz nikola osamak overlordq panther para pathoschild pietrodn prolineserver purodha quisczicza reedy revolus revvar robin saintrain samkorn seb35 seth sk skagedal skenmy skyluke slakr soxred93 str4nd stv stwalkerster superzerocool tangotango thebainer the_wub thomasv timl titoxd turnvaterjahn vahid valhallasw verisimilus vvv vyznev w webboy willemo yann zach