currently the stable server (willow) is running SJS Web Server. we will shortly be converting it to Zeus Web Server. this will bring the functionality in line with the normal Toolserver (allowing user-configurable rewrite rules and better .htaccess support) as well as improving performance and reliability.
the new web server is running at http://stable.toolserver.org:81/. please test that your project works correctly, and then let me know. once all projects have been tested, we will switch the server over.
this applies to the following projects:
* geohack * delinker * admstats * wmfgcbot * acc * poty * nubio
if your project needs rewrite rules, which are currently configured in the web server, you should create a rewrite script in $HOME instead. this is documented in the ZWS manual at [1] and also on the wiki at [2].
- river.
[1] http://support.zeus.com/zws/media/docs/4.3/ZWSUserGuide.pdf [2] https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/ZWS