Sorry, but I couldn't resist cracking that one. :P
Kurt / "Slakr" @ en.wp
... P.S.: Don't actually execute that, else river will troutslap you. :P
On Monday 14 April 2008 11:14, River Tarnell wrote:
> once a month or so, someone complains that suddenly, ssh won't let
> them log in. usually, this is because they made their home directory
> world writable.
> i have no idea what would possess someone to do this (since, among
> other things, it would let anyone take over your account), but
> whatever you think it's going to fix: don't do it. you won't be able
> to log in anymore.
> (also, anyone who thinks 'hmmm, giving everyone write access to my
> home directory would be a good idea' should probably stop and learn
> about Unix and security before doing anything more on the toolserver.)
> - river.
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