[QA] What's the difference between textarea and text_area?

S Page spage at wikimedia.org
Sat Oct 18 06:28:42 UTC 2014

Flow browser tests have both
  textarea(:new_topic_body, name: "topiclist_content")
  text_area(:post_edit, css: ".flow-edit-post-form textarea")

But they're not interchangeable. I wanted to identify a "dialog_input"
textarea within a dialog_element, and this:

  textarea(:dialog_input) do |page|
    page.dialog_element.textarea_element(name: "topic_reason")
failed with
      undefined method `textarea_element' for
#<Watir::Div:0x000000039a9c70> (NoMethodError)

Instead I had to use text_area_element
    page.dialog_element.text_area_element(name: "topic_reason")

Working with the Cheezy Watir cucumber Ruby Selenium WebDriver stack makes
me feel clueless :-/
=S Page  Features engineer
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