First thanks Merlijn and xqt for you answers!! In order to get one step further I tried to follow Merlijn hints:
If this is possible, the most reasonable solution to me would be this: 1) follow the guide to translating (http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/pywikipedia-l/2011-January/006632.html)
BUT I did the migration by hands (since it's the first one) as visible in [1] and when going further to create and upload a script to i18n folder I got stuck: - - I'm using the trunk not the rewrite; the guide uses rewrite and I cannot find the files in i18n directory in trunk, just the i18n.py in pywikibot but not the mentioned 'i18n.<package>'... - - I do not have commit access - - I wonder what does happen now with the translations on TW? Do they get synced into the i18n folder? ...or what's the idea?
- use keys starting with 'thirdparty-drtrigon'; i.e.
As mentioned I created a bunch of keys, this works which is good!
- you may recycle translations in the i18n folder if it fits
Yes - in fact I though about something like this too. ;) But could become very tricky... ;)
- if your script is able to be distributed we could commit (with
i18n extension)
In my opinion it is (more or less) since I am using it... ;) But I do not know what are your demands on quality... I think you have to decide whether my code fits or not... I have also to admit that I cannot spend the same amount of time in support and developpment as desirable.
- I am implementing translated bot owner messages wich (hopefull)
coming soon. If so, you may check whether there are messages to re-use - finally we could implement bot-specific messages as part of the pwb framework and port them to translatewiki like other messages. We could handle with drtrigonbot.py, xqbot.py valhallasw-bot.py as well. Maybe they should get a thirdparty-suffix.
Both sound intressing, can you may be elaborate some further details on this?
[1] http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Thir...
Thanks a lot for your detailed explanations and Greetings Dr. Trigon