[Labs-l] Ability of Labs to be the new WMDE Toolserver by 2014

Daniel Zahn dzahn at wikimedia.org
Wed Sep 26 18:08:51 UTC 2012

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Harry Burt <jarry1250 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I realise things like SCP do work, but in
> terms of good GUI support cross-platform, SFTP is way in the lead.

For Gnome users: File -> Connect to server -> Type SSH

(After having setup the SSH Proxy Command as described in
can simply enter the name of my labs instance as "server" in the above
and i connect right through the bastion host to the instance, and i
also just drag & drop files from there to my desktop etc.)


For KDE users: fish://user@host/path/to/dir

For Windows users:  http://winscp.net/eng/index.php

Daniel Zahn <dzahn at wikimedia.org>
Operations Engineer

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