[Labs-admin] Fwd: [Labs-l] [Labs-announce] Tools DB / Labs Postgres DB maintenance on 15 Feb 2017

Jaime Crespo jcrespo at wikimedia.org
Tue Feb 14 11:05:34 UTC 2017

A reminder that this will happen tomorrow (15).

Can we check users can reach labsdb1004 and accounts work? Maybe it needs a
gentle touch on the vlan just before the maintenance?

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 6:57 AM, Yuvi Panda <yuvipanda at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> Tools DB and Labs Postgres DB will be undergoing maintenance on 15 Feb
> 2017 for about 6 hours starting at 1700 UTC and will be unreachable
> for some of the duration. Most users shouldn't experience issues if
> their code reconnects properly when the server stops accepting
> connections (we'll failover to slaves when doing maintenance). Some
> tables will not be available for a short period of time, but the tool
> owners of those tables have already been notified (see
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T127164 ). We'll try to minimize
> downtime as much as possible.
> We will be upgrading the operating system from Ubuntu Precise to
> Debian Jessie in preparation for EOL of Ubuntu Precise (in April
> 2017). We'll also take this opportunity to upgrade Tools DB to Mariadb
> 10.
> All data should be preserved in this migration. Follow
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T123731 for more information!
> Thanks!
> --
> Yuvi Panda T
> http://yuvi.in/blog
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Jaime Crespo
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