[Foundation-l] A question for the Wikimania jury

Geoffrey Plourde geo.plrd at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 31 19:26:14 UTC 2008

So maybe we need two events? 

----- Original Message ----
From: Aphaia <aphaia at gmail.com>
To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 12:03:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] A question for the Wikimania jury

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 3:48 AM, Brion Vibber <brion at wikimedia.org> wrote:
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Jason Safoutin wrote:
>  > Really we can do without the attacks of being "NATO-centric" Its not
>  > about that. Its about who can attend. And maybe if WM was in areas that
>  > people would be able to attend, people would go...at least more than
>  > from what I hear, 25% of the people not affiliated with WMF.
>  That figure was quoted for Boston -- the "most accessible" location yet
>  for Americans. (Including, naturally enough, interested Americans who
>  aren't part of our community, but are curious about it.)

Yes it was taken from Boston ... and in Boston we criticized the
outsider ("mericans who
>  aren't part of our community, but are curious about it.") overwhelmed the conf and turned it into not community event. On the other hand, I got (not complaints!) friendly denial to attend from our fellow US Wikimedians, since they couldn't afford travel or just had no interest (one of them was in Boston but Wikimania was no interest for him).

Having a conf in the largest user base per se doesn't make it a
community event, our experience says.

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