[Foundation-l] Policy governance ends

A. Özgür Erdemli dbl2010 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 14:55:16 UTC 2007

On 4/18/07, Florence Devouard <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
Because there is only so much personnal attacks I am going to
> take. When I am spoken this way, my patience wears thin, I start
> answering shortly, I get rude to my co-board members, I might consider
> stopping discussing governance publicly entirely, or I might quit.
I have one bad one good news.

Bad news first: Generally speaking, personal attacks or hot harsh
criticisms will always be there. Damn humans. :) Solution is: Put the
nervous system into liquid nitrogen. Brrrr

Good news is this: There is an old saying in Turkish, "The tree
bearing fruit, gets stoned" Thats a good motivation factor. ;)


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