[Foundation-l] "Chinese Wikimania 2006 to be held in Hong Kong"

Anthere Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 16 17:33:09 UTC 2006

KJ wrote:
> 關於大家的問題,我稍微跟大家做一下說明。
> 第一,為什麼我們要辦中文年會?根據淡江大學的研究指出,參與中文維基的人主要來自中國大陸、台灣,還有香港,世界各地也有許多華文使用人口在參與中文維基的計畫。我們來自不同國家,大家平常主要以各種即時通訊軟體聯絡,非常希望能見面,這是第一個目的,並希望藉由中文維基年會來解決華文環境所遇到的問題。
> 第二,為什麼我們的時間選得和2006國際維基媒體大會那麼近?這是考慮到並非所有的中文維基人都有能力--特別是經濟方面--去參加國際維基媒體大會,所以我們將時間定在國際維基媒體大會之後,加上考慮到大部分中文維基人都是沒有經濟能力的學生,因此將時間定於暑假期間。舉辦的確切時間並非籌備小組自行決定,而是開放讓所有維基人投票選出的時間。而選在國際維基媒體大會之後,也正好可以讓有能力去國際維基媒體大會的維基人們,來和無法參與的維基人們分享經驗。
> 第三,是否結合中文維基人的力量來幫忙國際維基媒體大會,會是節省人力的方法?我的回答是,今天即使中文維基人參與了國際維基媒體大會的籌備工作,我們仍然會舉辦中文的維基年會。
> 第四,關於所有的中文維基年會籌辦過程和會議記錄,完全公開在維基百科上。
> http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:2006%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E7%B6%AD%E5%9F%BA%E5%B9%B4%E6%9C%83
> 我預計會去參加波士頓的國際維基媒體大會,非常期待與大家見面,希望大家能給中文維基年會更多建議。謝謝。
> PS:If you cann't read this latter very well.....that is one of the reasons
> why Chinese Wikipedians need a Chinese Wikipedian's Conference.
> --
> KaurJmeb(KJ)

KJ... Absolutely no one questions the fact chinese editors want a
conference :-) It is *good* that your community is now big enough and
united enough to do one.
Our only worries are that there might be a confusion of names between
conferences (this has been cleared up) and that three meetings are done
nearly at the same time.

At least in Europe, meetings are frequent, and I am sure will be more
and more frequent as time.
Most of these meetings are restricted to one language only. German
editors had several meetings (in german). Dutch editors had several
meetings (in dutch/english). French editors had several meetings as well
(in french)...
Of course, chinese editors *should* have meetings as well.

Also, you must absolutely believe we understand the language problem.
Many of those posting on this list are not primarily english speaking.
In the recent posters, Delphine, Yann, Jean-Christophe, Jean-Baptiste,
myself are French. Erik, Mathias are Germans. Gerard and Walter are
Dutch. Aphaia is Japanese. Shizao is Chinese. Some of us are good in
english. Others are not very good. And we all belong to communities
where many people do not speak english at all. French people generally
are *bad* in english. Those of us who can speak english can help bridge
between communities.

I hope you (and other chinese who speak english) will post here more
often. We need you and your input. Last year in Frankfurt, Theodorian
and others came and told us about the chinese community. You may do the
same. And I'll tell you about the french ;-)


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