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Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 28 19:23:13 UTC 2006

--- Oldak Quill <oldakquill at gmail.com> wrote:


> > 5) Could the board please communicate all
> decisions which are sensitive
> > among the wikipedians, timely to all relevent
> mailinglists?
> I second this request.
> > 6) Has there ever been an open call to all
> wikipedians to provide
> > suggestions to the foundationboard of ways to
> receive money?
> Not formally, I think.
> -- 
> Oldak Quill (oldakquill at gmail.com)

5)No, just follow this list.


This is the mailing list you subscribe to to be aware
of things that affect all Wikimedia communities.  If
you are part of another mailing list that you think
would be sensitive to an issue here, you should
forward the message along to that list.  There is also
now a summary service on meta which you could point
people towards.


At the beginning of the drive there was an
announcement on this list of the fund raising drive
which included many details you seem to have been
unaware of.  But the general idea of matching donors
had been discussed here much earlier.

"Brad Patrick announced the opening of the latest

There have been many messages asking for people to
help with fundraising.  Announcing the creation of the
Fundraising Committee and asking interested people to
sign up (Certainly an open call).  Even more general
questions asking for fundraising ideas both before and
after the Committee was started.  Any fundraising
discussions seemed to be met with questions about the
audit and budget.  It seems to me that the current
drive began as soon as the audit was released because
of a real need of money that has probably been put off
because the community requested the WMF not take part
in any overt fundraising until the audit documents
were released.

Anyone has been subscribed to this list should be
aware of all this.  Anyone who wishes to be aware of
these sorts of things should subscribe or read the LSS
including links.  I think most people who have
subscribed to list did so because they were blindsided
by some decision in the past and wanted to make sure
they stayed informed in the future.  I know I did.  I
sympathize that you feel blindsided, but it can only
be up to you to ensure that you are informed of these

Birgitte SB

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