MediaWiki makes a general contract that it won't allow "dangerous" HTML tags in its output. It does this by making a final parse fairly late in the process to clean HTML tag attributes, and to escape any tags it doesn't like, and unrecognised &entities;.
Question is: should the parser attempt to do this, or assume the existence of that function?
For example, in this code>
<pre> preformatted text with <nasty><html><characters> and &entities; </pre>
Should it just treat the string as valid, passing it out literally (and letting the security code go to work), or should it keep parsing characters, stripping them, and attempting to reproduce all the work that is currently done?
Would the developers (or users, for that matter) be likely to trust a pure parser solution? It seems to me that it's a lot easier simply to scan the resulting output looking for bad bits, than it is to attempt to predict and block off all the possible routes to producing nasty code.
On the downside, if the HTML-stripping logic isn't present in the grammar, then it doesn't exist in any non-PHP implementations...
What do people think?