Mind you, if the content produced with MediaWiki (so, Wikipedia) became less dependent on the low-level stuff, it might be "good thing" yet. Right now, the markup is a html by other name. Now, if it could be turned to the structure-only plus presentation-only somehow, sort of xml-ish, then even visual editor wouldn't really hurt...
Part of a bigger problem, really: how far can the arbitrary piece of software "stretch", given new, ever-expanding sets of requirements continue to be produced? Are all of those requirements wise?
On 02/05/2012 10:13 PM, vitalif@yourcmc.ru wrote:
I've read http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Future/Parser_plan recently, and the plans seemed strange and scary to me.
Such plans seem very scary to me, as I think the PLAIN-TEXT is one of the MOST IMPORTANT features of Wiki software! And you basically say you want to move away from it and turn MediaWiki to another Word, having all problems of "WYSIWYdnG"