Thanks, Platonides.
I know the svn command to checkout or export a directory. But I want to emphasis that the collaboration model are different between svn and git.
For example, if I want to add some test cases, I need someone to grant me the svn access. While in github, I can push my contribution back to upstream very easily, and the original author can choice what back to him.
Above is just my advice, if Andreas choices svn, I will follow his change on svn also. Let's drop the irrelevant discussion on git/svn issue, and back to the main topic.
Regards, Mingli
On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Platonides wrote:
Mingli Yuan wrote:
Great news!
Just an advice: could you commit the code into github? So we can fork it, play with and contribute back easily. Svn is not as convenient as git and the mediawiki svn repository is too large. Free software should be really free, not be bounded in a centralized repository. :-)
Regards, Mingli
svn doesn't have the git inconvenient of forcing you to checkout all or nothing. To get only libmwparser just run: svn checkout
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